Vivian F.
Hey all, I'm moving to Athens in September for a whole year and I'd like to rent a room in a shared flat with other young people. A bit about me: I'm 22, French, and I've been living in England for the past four years for university. I was lucky to share a flat with three friends these last three years and I'm hoping for a similar experience in Athens. I'd say I enjoy chatting, going out, cooking, raving, and chilling and I've also been learning Greek so hopefully I'll be able to hold a conversation by the time I get here haha I'll be doing a master's in politics and history (applied to the Balkans) at ΕΚΠΑ so any flat around the centre of Athens works for me. I'm pretty into electronic music and politics so I'm hoping to find flatmates with similar interests, I'm also bisexual so queer-friendly flatmates would be a plus :) I'm happy to chat or facetime if needed, just let me know. Looking forward to it!


  • French
  • Spanish
  • English
Faculty of Political Science and Public Administration
About me
  • Extrovert / social
  • Reliable
  • Spontaneous
  • Tolerant
  • Adventurous
  • Going out
  • Vegetarian
  • Αctivist
  • Hiking
  • Music
  • Playing an instrument
  • Volunteering
  • Watching series/movies at home
I would flatshare with
  • Women
  • Men
  • Non-Binary
  • Couple
  • LBGTQ+
  • People with pets
  • Students
  • Professionals
  • Age: 20-35
Looking for
A room for 1 person
Budget (€/month)
Prefered move in date
Areas of preference
Municipality of Athens (Center)
Last seen online: 17 days
Vivian F.
Vivian F., 22

: Male


: Characteristics that connect you


: Common flats
for flatsharing


: Common facebook friends

Last seen online: 17 days